I Don’t Even Have the Words

I Don’t Even Have the Words

Image of a woman praying.

Romans 8:26  In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. (NIV)

My oldest daughter was born with a rare heart defect. As young parents at the time, we learned as much as we could about her disability and how to ask for the care that she needed along the way. I have also seen this during my career in the area of occupational therapy: the need to speak for those who can’t speak for themselves.

As parents of a child with a physical or mental disabilities, we learn how important it is to advocate for our children. However, it may be difficult to find words at times when we are praying for our children or for ourselves. Perhaps you have found it especially hard when praying before yet another doctor or therapy appointment, or maybe even in the hospital. Wherever and whenever you are praying, you may have even found yourself so emotionally and/or physically drained that it’s hard to find the words. At moments like these, my husband and I have found Bible passages like the Romans 8:26 passage above comforting. When we can’t find the words, “the Spirit himself intercedes for us.”

I love this message. When I can’t find the words for my or my family’s needs, the Holy Spirit jumps in to rescue me and helps me with my prayers. He is the SUPER ADVOCATE! (Side note, I am kind of a fan of superhero stories as well!)

I know that as parents, you try to not only advocate, but also to provide the best environment possible for your children. You’re not alone in this endeavor. Even when you pray and lack the words or lack the ability to concentrate on them, just uttering a “Jesus help!” or even a sigh, as Paul wrote in Romans, is enough. Dear fellow parent, the Lord knows your heart and what you, your child, and your family need. The Holy Spirit not only gives you the words, but also intercedes for you with the Father. How amazing is that!

God will give you the strength and words to keeping advocating for your son or daughter. Even when your prayer is simple, keep taking it to the Lord, and let the Holy Spirit do what he does best.

Dear Lord, please help me continue to bring my requests to you, knowing no request is too big or too small. Even if all I can do is utter the words “Jesus, help!” or produce a simple sigh, you know what I need. Thank you for giving me your Holy Spirit to intercede for me. What a blessing! Amen.

by Pam Schleg

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