I Feel So Guilty!

I Feel So Guilty!

Image of a person holding a string of lights.

John 9:1-5 As Jesus was passing by, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that God’s works might be revealed in connection with him. I must do the works of him who sent me while it is day. Night is coming when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the World.” (EHV)

“People are constantly asking me to help at church, but I don’t have time! They’re probably thinking I’m a good-for-nothing member. I feel so guilty about saying no!” This is yet another challenge facing parents of children with extraordinary challenges. The time dedicated to care for those children makes it very difficult to join in the activities at church. It seems that no matter how much we want to help, life gets in the way. It is very difficult for other members to understand the time required to take care of a child with extra challenges. Even so, it feels terrible not to help, especially at the Lord’s house.

This relates to a misconception many Christians have about working for the Lord. We may tend to have the impression that working at the church, or a church-sponsored function, is the best way to serve the Lord. This is not true for every individual’s situation. We get ourselves worked up for no reason. Working for the Lord does not require us to serve at the church or a church function. Working for the Lord is something that takes place everywhere we go.

Let’s look at our Savior to see the work the Lord has entrusted to us. Jesus served his Father when he healed a man born blind, but he was not in the temple or at a synagogue when he did this. In fact, everywhere he went he cared for others. Our work for the Lord is not designated to be always done at church or at a church function, but anywhere and everywhere we go. We work for the Lord when we take care of our children. This is part of the church’s mission and ministry. We work for the Lord when we share the compassion and the love Christ has given us with our children.

You do not need to feel guilty if you are not able to help at church or one of its functions. Instead, rejoice because you are working for the Lord as a parent who is caring for their child. Do not let the devil rob you of the satisfaction of the work God has given you to do. See this work as an opportunity that the Lord has blessed you with! Continue to work for the Lord while it is day.

Dear Father in heaven, thank you for reminding me that your work is not required to be done at a designated place or time. Help me see all the opportunities I have to serve you by caring for others, including my own child. Give me satisfaction in the work you have placed before me, no matter what it is. To your name be honor and glory now and forever! Amen.

by Patrick Feldhus

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