Joining Jesus on His Mission book review

Joining Jesus on His Mission

by Greg Finke

The review that follows was written by my son, Zachary, as a book report for his class. The book is on evangelism. But how it pertains to the Light for Parents mission is that the book talks about looking for opportunities the Lord presents to us to share God’s Word where and when people are needing it. Our unique position of being a parent of someone with special needs or supporting a parent of a child with extraordinary needs leads to opportunities from God to share our Savior with the people we interact with. This book looks to open our eyes to see how God can use us in our everyday lives to spread His Word. 

This book puts a whole new light on evangelism for me. Evangelism works best if we are not “pushing” our faith at someone but instead being a tool—a physical presence—that can bring the light of God’s grace to the people we meet as we go about our lives. 

I thought it was a very good book. It was easy to read and impactful. Zachary is eager to share his book report with you. Zachary has special needs, but because he wants to be able to share God’s Word with others, he took an online class called “Friendship Evangelism” through Martin Luther College. 

- Linda Petersen

Joining Jesus on His Mission is about missional living and how we can make a difference in the community when we share God’s Word. Greg Finke describes missional living this way: “Missional living is simply living each day as if it were a mission trip.” Jesus invites us to go with Him on the work He is already doing. Our mission field is wherever we are: at our jobs, at school, and in neighborhoods. He tells us to “seek, recognize and respond to what Jesus is already doing in the lives of the people we are enjoying.” We should listen to their story and hear what their needs are and look for opportunities to share God’s message with them. 

God’s message is grace, which the author calls “redeeming and restoring” people to Himself. God uses us as tools for people to see Jesus because they can physically see us; they can’t see Jesus physically. “We are how people experience Jesus,” the author writes. We need to position ourselves to find the opportunities God has planned for us. To do that, we have to look for the opportunities, study the gospel, talk with people, and look for ways to help them, as well as pray with them. The author encourages a “Missional Community” to have the support and accountability to keep doing the mission.

This book has changed my mindset on how to approach others when they are in need and for the Savior. I will try to look for the occasions the Lord presents instead of forcing the issue. People can receive the message they need when it is meaningful to them. This mindset also leads me to be confident in talking with others in a recreational setting. God’s plan for me is to spread His message when others are in need.

- Zachary Petersen

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