As a parent, I have found that over the years the Lord has used various things in my daughters’ lives, as well as my own, to help develop certain traits in me. Sometimes I cringe at the thought of even praying for patience. I wonder, Will the Lord will send me more tough situations in order to build patience in me? I don’t need to cringe. God always does what is best for me, and I can trust him. But I often think of the following passage:
Romans 5:3,4 We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. (NIV)
After reading this passage, my first thought is always, “Lord, I think my character is good, right?” But often, he leads me to understand how I am a work in progress and how my character needs more work—especially the area of patience. He also shows me that instead of concentrating on the suffering that produces perseverance, we need to focus on the character leading to hope. Our ultimate hope for our children and ourselves is to be with God in heaven. Sometimes we really don’t see how another test of our patience or adjustment of our character would really help. But God knows. He speaks to this hope in this passage:
Romans 15:4 Indeed, whatever was written in the past was written for our instruction, so that, through patient endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures, we would have hope. (EHV)
The message of hope is written throughout the Bible from the first promise of a Savior to Adam and Eve after the fall, to the disciples after the death and resurrection of Jesus, to the early Christians in Rome, and to us. We need to continue to stay in the Scriptures to build the patience that we will need for yet another morning of craziness before school, another medical appointment, or any other activity. Whatever it is, take the time to get some encouragement from the Scriptures. Maybe you only have time for one or two Bible verses a day. Maybe you only have time for a devotion such as this or listening to a 2–3-minute devotion on your phone. The important point is that you’re getting the ultimate encouragement and power from your Creator and Savior that will continue to build hope in you. You in turn, will be able to pass this hope and peace on to your children and others.
This peace and hope has enabled me to be a witness to other moms and other people in my daughters’ lives—including the medical professionals. Seek God in his Word, and you will find that same peace and hope that will enable you to witness to others.
Dear Lord, I know that you have the ultimate hope of eternal life in mind for me, my family, and all people. Please help me remain focused on that among all of the craziness of life. Help me continue to look to you and your Word for the encouragement I need to build my patient endurance. I pray in your name. Amen.
by Pam Schleg