Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (EHV)
When we are caught up in the daily life of appointments, the daily cares, and the anxiety that comes with taking care of a child with extraordinary needs, finding time to take care of ourselves is one of the last things we consider as important. Parents usually put their child’s needs above their own. But after a while of the never-ending schedules of cares, a parent’s energy and even their physical body begin to deteriorate. It can become so exhausting that parents can no longer even give their children the level of care they want to provide. We are not made to run 24/7. We need to take some time for ourselves and rest. But how?
Granted, your child’s needs do not take a vacation, but that does not mean you cannot take some time for rest. You probably realize that you need to take moments for yourself and recharge. But if you are like me, getting rest is not the hard part—it’s the guilt we feel if we are prioritizing our needs to the neglect of our children’s care. I know that I feel like a bad parent anytime I think about doing anything for myself. You also probably realize you need time to rest, yet the guilt can be overwhelming. But Jesus tells us, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
What an invitation! Jesus invites you to come to him when you are torn and feel overwhelmed. He is your rest. You can and will find forgiveness and strength in the one who was perfect for you. He welcomes you into his presence. He will never be too busy for you. Take time to rest in his arms as you listen to his Word daily. Just like you need sleep everyday for your physical well-being, rest your soul in Christ.
But did you notice the reason he wants you to rest in him? “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” He intends to give you rest so that you can take up his yoke and burden. The rest you find in Christ will supply you with the means to do the God-pleasing work of caring for your child. It will give you the means to endure the hardships because you are constantly hearing the power of God—the very power that opens heaven to you and your child! In Christ, there is no more guilt. In Christ, you will desire to take his yoke and be gentle and humble in heart as you care for your child. And when the burden wearies your heart, Jesus is right there with his arms wide open to help you find rest.
Dear Savior, please help me find rest in you and you alone! When I am burdened and do not know where to turn, invite me with your gentle Word. Empower me to carry your yoke and be gentle and humble in spirit as I care for my child. Amen.
by Patrick Feldhus