Straight Talk for Kids book review

Straight Talk for Kids

10 Secrets to get the power and freedom you want

By Casey Martin from Celebrate Calm™

A review written by a teen, for teens and kids

Straight Talk for Kids: 10 Secrets to Get the Power & Freedom You Want is an audio CD set in which Casey Martin teaches kids of all ages practical ways to do these things:

  • Control emotions, improve focus, and build friendships
  • Deal with daily disappointment, anger, and frustration
  • Build confidence and internal motivation
  • Handle conflict with siblings and classmates
  • Stop wasting time and be more organized

I like this book because the author gets us—as in, he understands the way that we think and the fact that fidgeting isn’t bad. As teens, we have a bit of a problem with power, right? This book gives a lot of good ideas in order to keep the power struggle to a minimum. 

As a teen myself, I found this book to be very helpful because:

  1. the author was 19 years old when he wrote this book and recorded the audio himself,
  2. he also gave good stories about his life and what didn’t work when it came to the examples of what he was talking about, and
  3. there are times when he tells us that we can do it no matter what. 

I think this audiobook would be a good listen/read if you are a struggling teenager with a want for freedom, a parent with a teenager who isn’t communicating, or a teacher with student(s) with attention deficits and fidgeting problems. It could be helpful for younger, elementary school kids as well.

Overall, it is a great resource and it takes only a couple of hours to listen to. It’s a great idea for a car ride to Grandma’s house or an afternoon activity. You won’t get bored! 😊

- Mea Mose

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