Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid: do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (NIV)
Over the years, the above passage has provided my family and I comfort through three heart surgeries and ongoing medical appointments for my daughter with a rare congenital heart defect. At times, we would get frustrated in not knowing the future. We would get frustrated in not being able to control things, yet still trying to trust in the plan the Lord had for our daughter and family.
I believe all parents, especially those with children with disabilities, deal with discouragement and worry daily. We wonder, Are the present needs of my child being met? What does the future hold for them and for us as parents? When questions and concerns like this plague your mind, look to the Lord for strength and peace.
Digging deeper into this passage, we see that God is speaking to Joshua and reassuring him as he faced his task of leading the chosen people into the promised land of Canaan. The spies that went ahead into Canaan had come back with different, discouraging words. But God encouraged Joshua to continue with assurance, “for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
The Lord makes that same promise to us today as parents—that he will be with us wherever we go. How comforting it is to know that the God, who knows the special needs of our child and family, will always be with us! He is ready to pump up our strength and courage in all situations. Whether you’re at another medical appointment, school meeting, or at home, he is always there and making sure that the things that seem out of our control are taken care of with his help. Knowing that he is with us always also gives peace of mind to handle what comes next.
Fellow parent of a child with extraordinary challenges, remember that you don’t need to carry the challenges of caring for your child alone; you can do it with the Lord’s help and guidance. Thinking of this reminds me of the poem I heard a long time ago called “Footprints in the Sand” possibly written by Mary Stevenson. In the different versions of this poem, the narrator looks back at their walk through life and usually see two sets of footprints—the narrator’s, and God’s. But during the most difficult times of their life, they see only one set, and they wonder why they had been left to walk alone then. However, the Lord reminds them that those were the times when he had been carrying them.
Dear Christian Parent, when you feel alone in life, remember this: God is carrying you through.
Dear Lord, please continue to remind me that you are always with me. It is a daily struggle, and I need the peace and encouragement that only you can provide. Please help me also see you in the little moments of joy, peace, and rest that you provide as well. Amen.
by Pam Schleg