When We Want a Miracle

When We Want a Miracle

Image of a girl lying on a bed and surrounded by little gold stars.

Mark 5 – Healing of Jairus’s Daughter

It must have been an emotional roller coaster. Their daughter was sick, and they saw the worst coming. Their prayers had gone unanswered, their hopes for healing all but gone. Until they heard that Jesus was coming.

Word was that he was on a boat coming back from the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Jairus was not going to wait for him to get into town. He rushed to the docks and met Jesus right off the boat. Jairus fell at Jesus’ feet and begged for healing for his daughter.

“And Jesus went with him” (Mark 5:24). Hope had come. For a moment.

Then Jesus stopped. Yes, to help a woman looking for healing, but I imagine Jairus’s anxiety spiked. Certainly, he had compassion for the woman. How could he not? As leader of the Synagogue, he had probably prayed with her many times about her bleeding problem. But his daughter’s situation was dire; this woman’s bleeding problem had been going on for years.

And while Jesus delayed, the worst happened. His servants arrived and said, “It’s over. She’s gone.” Death had been looming, every moment had life and death hanging on it, Jairus was just waiting on that miracle and trusting Jesus would come through… and he delayed? Left him on the outside? Ignored the urgency of the situation, and then… it was over. Hope was lost. For a moment.

“Don’t be afraid, just believe,” Jesus said (Mark 5:36). Believe what? That death could be reversed? Jairus did.

When they got to the house, Jesus cleared out the mourners and brought just a small group into the room of the dead girl. A few disciples. The girl’s dad. The girl’s mom. He knew which hearts needed this moment the most. The hearts that loved this little girl since before they saw her face. The hearts that cared for her and watched her grow. The hearts that were hurting the most – they needed to know that hope is real. That Jesus holds life in his hands.

Word of the miracle spread afterwards. People would know that Jesus is the Messiah. But for this moment, just those few got to experience his purpose and power. Just the ones who need it most. Sometimes it seems like it would be nice if Jesus would do more miracles in our lives today. If we could see his purpose and power a little more clearly, especially as we see the ongoing struggles of our children with extraordinary needs, it would help so much! But Jesus still asks us to trust him, to not be afraid, and to just believe. And even when no one else can see it, even when it is just for us, he gives hope. Sometimes only to those who need it most.

Lord, today give me the hope that only you can give. Teach me to hold tightly to that hope, no matter what happens in the lives of my family. Amen.

by Brandon Steenbock

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